MAKE | Sony's War on Makers, Hackers, and Innovators
- Sony DMCA delayed disclosure of Sony BMG rootkit vulnerability
- Sony threatens Aibo hobbyists for creating software that enables Sony’s Aibo robot dog to dance
- Sony sues Connectix and Bleem to block software that allows gamers to play their PlayStation games on PCs
- Sony attacks PlayStation “Mod Chips” and enforces a system of “region coding”
- Sony sued Gamemasters, distributor of the Game Enhancer peripheral device, which allowed owners of a U.S. PlayStation console to play games purchased in Japan and other countries
- Sony removes OtherOS option, removes Linux support
- Sony is suing makers, hackers, and tinkers for jailbreaking of the PS3 to play homebrew games
AIBOを躍らせたり、Playstationで独自ゲームが動くようにしたり、etc... メイカーズやハッカー、イノベーターと呼ばれるようなユーザーたちが、Sonyのハードウェアをハックしてきた。しかし企業の対応と結果は記事の通り。概して企業の対応というのはそういうものだろう。
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